Why L’Oreal HiColor Permanent Hair Color had me Shook
Happy New Year!
I know that we are well into the new year but it’s been a minute since I’ve been here on the blog and I just want to welcome y’all in appropriately. So let me start by saying, it’s been a really crazy time for me, hence the long pause on blog posts but with grad school, being injured at work and the subsequent doctor visits and physical therapy appointments, I have been busy!
However, I’m trying to get back in the swing of things and resume a regular posting schedule. This year I’m committed to doing more for me and stepping outside of my comfort zone. With that being said, a new bold hair color and change to my look was on my to-do list.
Now while I love having color in my natural hair, specifically platinum blonde, the bleach just wreaks havoc on my scalp. I mean like literal burns and scabs that take a long time to heal. My scalp has always been super sensitive to chemicals hence me going natural, so I had pretty much given up on dyeing my hair because while beauty is pain, bleaching was torture.
I spoke with my barber about this and one day she called and asked if I was still interested in having color in my hair because L’Oreal had a new line of no bleach hair color. I was really skeptical at first because I figured it would be similar to a rinse and not have much effect on these hard core gray hairs I have.
However, part of this years mantra is stepping outside of my comfort zone and thinking outside the box, so after some googling and watching videos on YouTube, we decided on the magenta color.
Initially my barber purchased the L’Oreal Oreor Crème Volume Developer in 30 but later decided to use 40 instead, which I think really made it pop.
Before we started, I looked at all the grays in my hair and thought, there’s no way this is going to work.
As she applied the dye to my hair, I sat patiently waiting for the inferno that dyes and perms bring to my scalp to kick in but after about 40 minutes, there was only a slight tingle. Very mild to say the least. She then washed and conditioned my hair. When I returned to her station and looked in the mirror, I was floored at how vibrant the color was! It was pretty but it was bright! While, it took me a few days to get used to, I really like the color and I’m so pleased that I now have an option for hair color that won’t damage my scalp.
Overall, the pros of using L’Oreal HiColor:
- Doesn’t burn or irritate the scalp (and mine is extremely sensitive)
- Color is bright and vibrant even without bleach
- Relatively inexpensive
- Can be done without a professional (but I wouldn’t do it)
- The color is still bleeding onto towels and pillow cases, almost two weeks later.
Here’s a link to my Amazon store where you can purchase the hair color and the developer. Happy hair coloring!
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