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marriage – Mama 'N Chief

People always say marriage is hard but in all actuality, partnerships as a whole are hard, marriage is just the highest level of that because well, you vowed not to walk away. Spending your entire life with another human might possibly be the biggest challenge you ever face because people don’t stay the same. At least I hope they don’t. I am not the same person that I was when I was 21, or 25, or even 30. While our core values and personalities traits may remain consistent, we all evolve in some way shape or form. We think better, we do better, we love better, we want more for ourselves and from life, at least that’s how I think and I know that’s how my husband thinks. Therefore, it’s important to note, that the person you marry or commit to, may not be the same person they were on day 1 that they are on day 1,001. In 9 years of marriage, I’ve  learned that following these 6 L’s for long lasting love, will not only

 I love my husband. Anyone who has ears, knows I cheer for and dote on him at any given opportunity. My marriage is almost at the nine year mark and I can honestly say, I have enjoyed it. I am proud of the life we have built for ourselves, our family and the goals we continue to set forth both individually and as a couple. A while back I blogged about 5 Tips for Maintaining a Blissful Marriage. However, a passionate relationship falls under the umbrella of a blissful one. It requires different intention. Just like many other couples we have to consistently work together to keep that spark and passion for each in the forefront of our relationship. I was reminded of this a few weeks ago when my husband stumbled upon an email I sent him, right before we got married in 2011. I wrote it while working a red eye flight during which, all of my passengers were asleep. Reading the words of that letter brought me back to a time, when all

We are all different as individuals, so it's no surprise that raising children with your spouse may cause some conflict due to different parenting styles, upbringing, values and priorities.  My husband and I often want the same goals for our son but the road to get there oftentimes will require a road map, intense conversations and additional questions. I've found that these tips have helped us as a couple, to raise a well rounded child. Don't Dispute What your Spouse Says in Front of the Child There are times that I don't agree with the way in which my husband wants to do things, especially as it pertains to learning. He tends to be somewhat strict and for me, that would actually be ok if our son was older. However, he is only 4 years old and although we both want him to learn things that are appropriate for his age and his upcoming year in Pre-K, we have different ideas on how to successfully get him to learn. My son has a fun personality like me, so

Jermaine and I are on day 8 of our 10 day green smoothie cleanse and I have to say, it has become much easier for him. He does still come roaming through the kitchen at times, looking for "something else" to eat but he's seemingly more content with just having a snack from the approved snack list. Although, I have refrained from getting on the scale for 30 days, I can see the weight loss in the both us and really see an increase in my energy. The hardest part about dieting or starting a new eating regimen is that it can throw a major monkey wrench in your social life. I mean sure there are a variety of things you can do as a couple and/or with friends but ultimately for us, all roads eventually lead to eating (I mean good mouth-watering, buttery, succulent, sometimes sugary, delicious  food) and drinking (and I don't mean no dag on water). When my friend Cindy, texted me about brunch, bright and early on Saturday morning, I was reminded of our previous

I met my husband on an online dating site. Black People Meet, was the appropriately named site because we are Black and well, we wanted to meet people. If you know me IRL, (acronym for in real life for those that didn't actually learn that 5 minutes ago, like I did) you know that I looooove and adore my husband. You also know that my husband treats me like a Queen of all Queens. I don't often complain about anything of any real significance because I live what I consider to be, a very charmed life. Ironically, I could have missed the whole boat of wonderfulness that I luxuriate in now because of "my list". You know the list. Must be 6'10, must make 6 figures, must own 6 cars, must not have 6 children or any for that matter and so on. The list is actually a representation of the dreamiest mate you can think of that you will most likely have to scale back from, to ultimately find your perfect match. The list could