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hair color – Mama 'N Chief

Happy New Year! I know that we are well into the new year but it’s been a minute since I’ve been here on the blog and I just want to welcome y’all in appropriately. So let me start by saying, it’s been a really crazy time for me, hence the long pause on blog posts but with grad school, being injured at work and the subsequent doctor visits and physical therapy appointments, I have been busy! However, I’m trying to get back in the swing of things and resume a regular posting schedule. This year I’m committed to doing more for me and stepping outside of my comfort zone. With that being said, a new bold hair color and change to my look was on my to-do list. Now while I love having color in my natural hair, specifically platinum blonde, the bleach just wreaks havoc on my scalp. I mean like literal burns and scabs that take a long time to heal. My scalp has always been super sensitive to chemicals hence me going natural, so I